You Get One Go Around

You Only Get One Chance

When living life you only get one chance to live each day. Now I know that most of us believe in a life after death and that may be true or not. There is only circumstantial and spotty evidence to prove that claim. Even if there is a here after we don't know what it may look like. There are people that believe that it looks like Earth only it contains only good stuff from the mind of the observer. There are those that believe we come back again to get a do over if we need. There are those that believe we return to the mind of God and get mixed up with every other existence as if we were a spiritual soup. Whatever it is it is not the point of this blog.
We get one chance to do what we do right here and now. Whether there is an after life or not our chance to be a loving parent, to be nice to your neighbor, or to care for our environment is only here and now. If we get a chance for a do over after we die that is great, but personally I want to do my best in this life. That means that I want to guide myself in my choices to model my life after the great sages like Jesus, Krishna, Mohamed, Ghandi, Chopra, Gardner, Beckwith, and many others. They all have said that LOVE is the only law that matters. If you guide yourself, make your choices, and think thoughts were love is the foundation for your decisions then your life will be filled with happiness.
What this means is that the life that you lead will have other's concerns before your desires. This is not easy to do and is a lifelong pursuit but you can go to sleep every night knowing you have done your best each and every day. When someone honks at you, you can get angry or you can love them for knowing that they are late and upset and you have been there also. When someone has a scowl on their face you can think negative thoughts about them for their surly attitude or you can love them for understanding that you have had those feelings before as well and thank heavens that you are not there now. When another says something negative about you, you can surmise that the comment isn't really about you it is about the situation or experience they have had and they need to take it out on someone else and you happen to be that someone. I have done that before.
The more you can live each and every moment of each and every day with LOVE in your heart the better you understand the misgivings that happen all around you. The more you love others the more you love yourself and the happier you are with your world and all that is created around you. The happiest people in the world are people that LOVE. The love I am talking about isn't just a carnal or familial love, although those are the easiest to relate to, but a universal love that you can feel about everyone. No matter what happens in your day you can't get it back. So if you have a terrible day that is one day lost to oblivion but it is also one day that you can learn from to make those days fewer and less and less. Love helps you make that anger less, frustration farther apart, and enjoyment increasing. You only get one go round so make this day the BEST EVER.


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