Finding Joy

Finding Joy

If you are like me, finding joy is not a difficult thing to do, but it is something that takes practice, dedication, and focus to do effectively. If you are like me you laugh at the comical things that happen in your life, you genuinely smile at a child as you see them, or you think pleasant thoughts as you recollect a joyful memory. We all do this instinctively and that is easy. We find joy all around us every moment we give awareness to one or more of our experiences. The gentle sway of the trees, the colorful sunrise, or the sweet taste of a cold glass of water on a hot summers day are all ways we may experience joy as we progress through our day. This type of joy surrounds us and we don't have to do anything, other than observe and experience it, to make it a part of our day.
I think what most of us want to do is to increase that joy. This goal is a matter of seeing, feeling, and experiencing that joy as it passes us in turbulent times. Most of us find little joy in a pain in your back, a crying baby that shrieks, a troublesome situation on the news, or an angry customer who will not take, "I'm sorry" for an answer. However, there is joy to be had in those experiences if you can wrap your head around the situation and give yourself permission to enjoy the pain or event. Laughing and enjoying your stubbed toe, angry customer (obviously don't laugh or smile at them in their presence), or piercing cry of a baby is just a matter of putting yourself in their place and when you can view the world from their perspective it helps you to know how great you have it and then finding joy in the experience you just witnesses is possible.
Finding joy, peace, and serenity just requires that you change your attitude toward that event. This may not be easy, depending upon how much negative thought you have put into that event, but it is doable if you approach it systematically and take baby steps.
My daughter hates to do the laundry and I love it. I started to wonder why I get joy out of washing, drying, and folding clothes and she hates it. As I was thinking about it I realized that I thought happy thought as I was doing the job. I thought this is fun. I like how all the clothes come out so easily. My kids are being saved some labor as I do this for them. Those folded clothes look so nice. These are just a few reasons I have a good attitude toward laundry. I love the sound of the machines. I love the smell of softener and love the warm feel of the clothes as they come out of the dryer. These are things I get joy from when doing the laundry. There are a thousand jobs we do every day that are sometimes hard and sometimes easy. It is much easier to find joy in the ones that are easy and we feel a sense of accomplishment. The hard jobs are more difficult to find joy in but can be done with a step by step process. Take one aspect of the job and smile as you think about how you are positively changing the world or making your family better. As you smile you are finding joy, at least for that moment. The more times you do this the more joy you will find as you fold the clothes, sweep the floor, drive in dense traffic, or pay the bills. You can find joy anywhere.
Most of us, including myself, tend to ruin our joyful place in life with thoughts of how much work the laundry is and thinking, "I hate this." We slice up our peaceful attitude when we get angry at the raging driver as they honk at us and we say, "F?@# You." We destroy our serenity as we are dealing with an unruly teenager and we forget to put ourselves in their shoes and anger fills the rest of our interaction with them for the entire day. These are all places we can find joy with a little different self talk and emotional connection. Think to yourself, "The laundry is a wonderful thing to do because it helps my family. I love it." React to the driver, " I am sorry that you are impatient and I forgive you for your anger towards me that isn't warranted." Tell your daughter," I am feeling very upset right now with your behavior but love you and we will work out the situation later when we are more centered." Cool off, let it go, and find the joy for the opportunity to be the person you want to be. If you engage in these behaviors consistently you will see that joy will find you more frequently.


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