
Today I saw a beautiful woman of distinction having problems with her kids. Having children is always a challenge and blessing wrapped into a big burrito of love. Children will always test there parents resolve over specific issues that are considered important to the kids. These tests come in the form of challenges to the parental authority, keeping something they want, or finding out how far they can push the issue. Whatever the reason children will find a way to test their parents resolve.We all do these childish behaviors in our daily lives, however, children do it more often and if we let them, they do it successfully.
In this specific incident the children were playing with some toys while she was trying to read to them and even though she asked them to listen and stop many times they continued until, she finally got up and took the items away. Her frustration got higher and deeper until her emotions boiled and she got angry. This anger was something I thought could have been avoided but I have done many times, so I can relate.
We all may disagree on parenting techniques, ways to get what you want, or how to deal with problems but one thing we can agree on is that we want love and happiness to envelop our lives and the lives of our family. This love and happiness can be achieved in understanding the test. Life tests us in many ways but for this wonderful parent it was testing her in ways but she was not experiencing success. Her two children were doing what they wanted but she wanted something else. The behavior she exhibited to get what she wanted was counter productive. The kids were getting what they wanted but she was not. I suspect her happiness was at a rating of 3 out of 10. She was reading a book that she loved and thought the children would love but they were not listening nor did they appreciate her commentary about the text.
The event was a stark reminder to me that getting what you want is a complicated and exquiste dance that we all engage in when we go through our lives.


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