Take 5

Take 5

As I have mentioned in many blogs and also in my book, "261 Mantras, Motivation, and Magic for your Workdays" there are many things that you can do to be happy. One of those things is super simple and yet difficult to do for most of us. That one thing is to take 5. Take 5 means to take a few minutes whenever you can to notice what is going on around you. It doesn't even have to be 5 minutes. It can be only a couple of seconds and that noticing has a profound effect upon your peace of mind and happiness. The more you do this noticing during the day the more thankful you are for all the beauty you have in your life. The greater amount of time you spend in seeing what it around you the greater your ability to enjoy the splendor of our world. It is easy to be thankful for a sunset, the crystal blue sky, a baby's innocent cry, easy flowing traffic, or a myriad of other situations and events. The more noticing you do of all these life events the more contentment fills your soul.
Taking a few minutes to notice and separate your mind from the mundane and often negative mind chatter we all engage in is something that creates a sense of love for yourself and others naturally. It doesn't have to be five minutes but that is what I have found to be an optimal amount of time to spend in seeing beauty and quieting the mind that allows me to hurdle over all the obstacles I face and generate happiness for myself each and every day. If you just take a few seconds each day and build upon that and strive to increase the time each day then you will be moving the right direction and as you create more mind tranquility you will see more beauty and experience more peace.
The strategy to accomplish this task is explained here. When you wake up in the morning lay in bed a few minutes and let your mind drift along in thought. Most of us wake up and start thinking about all we have to do and we are never going to be able to complete it, what went wrong yesterday, or some negative event that happened in the past. Let go of that negativity and cancel the thought with the words, "CANCEL, CANCEL, CANCEL" and replace it with a directly opposite thought. Then relax your mind into the blank spaces and see how long you can think nothing. When you are first starting it may only be seconds but as you practice it could possible extend up to minutes and hours, if you have that much time. I don't have that much time. That is the hard part. Making time for such a waste of your precious seconds seems ridiculous but will have a profound effect upon you and the world you live in. If there is any time during the day you can do this then the faster you travel on your road to peace and love. I try to do this when the world is surrounding me with negative events and experiences. Taking even a few moments to do this each and every day is difficult because we are all so busy. This technique is easy to do but difficult to complete. Dedicate yourself to just 5 minutes or so per day and you will see a phenomenal improvement in your ability to be thankful for what you have. You will see a tremendous increase in your awareness of yourself. You will see an increase in your ability to handle the things you can't control in the world.
The thing I suggest is to try it first in the morning and right before you go to bed. If you can do this then move to dedicating a few moments to the middle of the day. Einstein, Edison, DeCartes, Tesla, and Socrates all engaged in this technique their entire lives. Although they did it much more than 5 minutes. Let's start with 5 and you will see a marvelous adjustment in your attitude toward everything you are trying to accomplish and the way you live your life.


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