Perfection 2

Perfection 2

I mentioned in my last post That perfection is in the eyes of the beholder. I wanted to expand upon this idea because all of us have different ideas but there are some constants in our society, or any society, that we have to adapt to. That means that, depending upon which societal constraints that you live under, perfect also is determined by the laws, ethics, and culture that you are governed by. In one culture or society it is perfect to get married at an early age of 12. In our culture it is considered so imperfect it is illegal. In one society it is perfect and desirable to run around completely naked. You would get arrested in our society if you did that. The regulations surrounding your given reality is what you have to adjust your idea of perfection to.
Even though different cultures and social systems have different ideas of perfection most ideas about what is perfect can be boiled down to what is right. What is right can be interpreted in different ways as well so perfection is always a concept that is developed by how you perceive your world. Some of the things that most cultures consider important and perfect is telling the truth. Although there are levels of perfection that are acceptable and levels that are not accepted. No one tells the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me GOD. This is because the TRUTH, like perfection is a concept that changes with the beholder. Another thing that is considered perfect by our society is tolerance. We struggle with this ideal and many of us fall short, including myself, but striving for a level of understanding that  allows us to love others, no matter what behavioral quirks they have, is a belief that we hold dear.
The one ideal that all humans have and strive for perfection in is the concept of LOVE. We are creatures that are gregarious by nature and need love to survive. We can survive instinctively but if that is our motivation we debase our higher selves and lower ourselves to the level of survival of the fittest. Nothing matters but living so nothing matters but food, shelter, reproduction and all the other elements of humanity including art, music, care for the weak, meditation, gratitude, beauty, and a myriad of other esoteric pursuits are disposed and thrown away.
Although there are many things that our society considers perfect things to aspire to there are levels of perfection that each of us consider attaining depending upon our genetics, the culture we grow up in, the experiences we experience, and how we react to ever event that has passed our horizons. As an example I love having a tidy house (I believe that our culture considers organization and cleanliness an important ideal to try to be perfect in) but there are many levels, depending upon who you are, that are considered perfect. Once you go past a certain level of disorganization and uncleanliness then most people viewing your house would say that is not perfect. It is perfect to you and how you view the world today. Your perspective, what has happened to you in the past, your personality type, and how you have reacted to the events that have passed by you have created the world you live in today. If that world is disorganized then that is the way you want it and that is perfect. Nothing wrong with that. Our society and the society of many other cultures ascribe values that we have to abide by or we will be bullied through subliminal or overt derision into upholding those values. The truth in those values only hold the esteem we give it. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder.


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