Do One Thing

Do One Thing

We often times go through our day with nothing but thoughts of fret about the future, regrets about the past, worries about our situation, condemnation for others who don't fit our scheme of perfection, and denials about our responsibility in the problems we create for ourselves. This is true for me as well. I do all the above and I consider myself enlightened.
I consider myself a person of love, consideration, contemplation, and care and I do all those things that keep me imprisoned in all the negative aspects that life has to offer. The thing that keeps me sane is that I can do something about all those things I do that make me unhappy. I can do one thing each day, each hour, or each moment that will give me solace toward the goals that I set for myself to become the person I want to become. If your goal is to become rich take each day, hour, and moment and dedicate yourself to that one thing, but leave the rest in the recycle container. If you can do that one thing then a sense of accomplishment comes with the completion of that one task. The caveat is that you have to let the other stuff go.
Letting the other stuff go is the difficult part. I can do that one thing, meditate for 5 minutes, spend less money during the day, write a little to accomplish my goals toward publishing a book, contact a person to help me with my duties, network with some like minded person, help someone out at the grocery store, or say, "Thank you," to lots of people as the day unfolds. All these things give a sense of well being that brings me happiness. I know they will give you the same. It is easy to do. The difficult thing is to put the other thoughts about the bank account, the nosy neighbor, or the angry spouse on hold for the day. You can do that one thing tomorrow.
What I do to help me with that goal of letting go is to say, "Cancel, cancel, cancel." Whenever I have a worry about the future, my money situation, emotional baggage I carry from the past, or a toxic relationship I have to endure then I say, "Cancel, cancel, cancel." I then replace the thought with a thought with exactly the opposite result. I think about all the good things that I like in the person I hate, I think about having money enough to make all my bills. I think about how much I have accomplished even with the obstacles that have been put in front of me from my past experiences.
After that I move forward with accomplishing my one thing. Do one thing each day and the power to make your life happier rests with you. The happiness you feel for the one thing you are accomplishing is created because you are getting stuff done.


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