Do or Don't There is No Try

Do or Don't There is No Try

One of my favorite characters from the Star Wars fame is Yoda. He is an alien with some super natural powers. His ability to connect to the almighty or universal power that connects us all is one of a kind. He is like a super hero philosopher who also has the ability to defeat bad guys, because it wouldn't be a good movie without that. One of most poignant sayings that has significant meaning to me is, "Do or Don't there is no try." What I believe he means by this is that we can do something or not but there is no try. It is up to us and the amount of effort we put into a goal whether or not we accomplish it.
Most of us, including myself use the word try as an escape for something we don't want to do. We say, "I'll try to make it to your party or I'll try to get that job done," but it is just an escape clause for us because in our mind we don't really want to do that job or go to that party. No matter what the goal or experience we want to complete we can do it or not. Either way it is what we want.
If you want to get something then you keep working at it until it is accomplished. It may take a lifetime to create but you do it. If you say you want it but are always throwing roadblocks in front of you with your negative thought and destructive behavior then you really don't want it. Either way you do it or you don't.
We are all unique creatures on this Earth commissioned to experience life in the only way we know we can. This all varies depending upon our genetics, experiences, and our learning. We all have a life to live the best way we can and only have ourselves to condemn or praise when things go wrong or right as we go through our existence. I was not born to royalty so I could never become a king or queen of a country. You were probably not born into the Rockefeller family so are not heir to a great financial fortune. I was not born into a situation where I could become a great monk like Mahatma Gandhi so I can't become a spiritual leader of his fame. I am happy being myself. We are all a part of the whole and the fact that we are all unique within that whole is like we are an ocean and each individual is a molecule of water within that ocean.
What we can accomplish in our lives is up to us and we can accomplish anything we want but you have to realize that there are limitations in every aspect of life. A tree will bend only so far before it breaks, a cloud can only accumulate so many drops of water before it rains, and a person can only live a specific type of life depending upon their experience and how they react to that experience. We can't become Jesus neither can we become Mark Zuckerburg. We can become what we want as it fits into our different lives. All it takes a a CAN DO attitude. There are a lot of things I cannot do because of my age, station in life, physical strength, mental acuity, spiritual awareness and that is perfect, for me. There are a lot of thing you cannot do as well for the same reasons. We know what we cannot do because deep down we know we don't want those things and there are too many factors that may keep us from becoming those things. There is nothing wrong with that. I would never want to be president for a host of reasons so I will never aspire to that goal. I DON'T want it.
The things I DO want I set my mind on them and keep working, even if ever so slowly, and accomplish those things. We have the power to create a spectacular existence for ourselves, our family, and friends if we so choose. We can do or we can choose to no do it, it is up to us, but there is no try.


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