Never Give Up

Never Give Up

A friend of mine was working with her child and was trying to explain a preference she wanted and he didn't understand it so he kept annoying her with questions and behavior that frustrated her so she said, "I give up." I told her, "Never give up, just pick your battles." This was meant as an instructional statement to her to reevaluate her thought process.
Of course you can give up on anything you want. However, what you are doing, when you give up on some goal or behavior you want to change, is demonstrating to yourself and those in your world that the behavior or goal was not important to you. This may be true. The goal or behavior may not be important to you and you don't want to pursue it any more and that is perfect. We all do that. We all quit. We all start something and then decide it isn't the work. This is OK.
If you consider the goal or behavior important and then quit you will feel bad that you did. Later on you will have to deal with it as it comes up again in your life. If you wish to develop a specific behavior in your child and it is not important to you then giving up doesn't matter, but if it is important to you then quitting is a mistake that you will think about later. If you give up on something that doesn't matter then maybe you never needed to start it in the first place.What needs to be done up front is to develop and refining your priorities. That is an ever changing process.
As we grow in years our priorities and goals change. When we are young we want simple things, after we start a family our goals change, and as we grow into middle age and grandpas what we want changes again. When we have defined what we want we can set our goals to accomplish those things. If that something is important than NEVER GIVE UP.


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