It's Never Too Late

It is never too late many people will tell you. This parable, mantra, or saying has been used across the generations. The truth of the matter is that it is too late for many things to occur in your life. If you are 30, it is too late to go back and experience the wonder of being a teen. If you are 40, it is too late to get your hair back. If you are 50, it is too late to live the innocence a baby experiences. Maybe it is too late to do many things but the one, and most important thing, it is not too late to do is enjoy the day you are experiencing currently. We all live in the here and now, even if we don't know it. What we have here and now is all that matters.
If I could go back and change anything in my life it would be the knowledge I have now about enjoying the present. I had a difficult childhood with many negative experiences that filled my existence. However, there were many times in my troubled life that I could have lived in the moment and filled my life with much joy if I had been able to enjoy the moment.
Today is much the same but now I am able to see the present for what it is, a miraculous moment in time meant to give me an experience to love and enjoy. Even the obstacles and challenges I face every day can be savored and laughed at. Another saying many people relate is the one that I try to live each time I wake up and go about my daily experiences. That saying is, "The past is dead, the future is not written, but the NOW is a gift to enjoy and that is why they call it the Present."
When it comes to NOW, it is NOT TO LATE. Go out and live the day as if it is your last. Say, "Thank you, Excuse me, How can I help?, I love you, and Hello." Take each moment and life it to the fullest.


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