

A constant struggle I have is being able to be in the present. Living life in the present is the most important skill to be able to love yourself and others. When you can enjoy the moment you are in you don't worry about the future or lament mistakes from the past you just enjoy what is around you.
The cold of the snow, the warmth of the beach, the green of the trees, the roughness of bark, or the brightness of the sun are but a few of the wonders you can embrace when you are in the NOW.
A large part of happiness is just being. Being the trees, the pets your own, and the building going on in the park are all magnificent aspects of life that we often overlook because we are thinking about how hot it is, how windy it is (and I don't like wind) or how much my electric bill is.
When you can be the grass, the roar of the ocean, or the smell of garbage then you are creating a snapshot of life that can be nothing but magnificent for yourself.


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