

Taking things slow is super important in the scheme of life's adventures. Ever hear anyone say, "Time goes by fast, or They grow up so quickly," Of course you have. Everyone thinks and says these types of things. We do this because we want to slow down the process of all the great events of life. Seeing someone grow up and become a wonderful human being is an awesome experience. Viewing a beautiful sunset or sunrise is so awe inspiring that we want it to last longer but the sun rises or sets and the view is gone. We want to slow down time.
All humans go through this process of thought. This is us instinctively wanting to stay in the NOW. If you can stay in the now you are able to reflect less upon your worries, you think less about what will happen in the future, and you spend less time thinking about all the negatives that may or may not occur as a result of the previous decisions you made before. When you can enjoy the NOW you find that peace and contentment surround you, no matter what the experience. Obviously it is easy to be in the NOW when you are experiencing something wonderful. When your baby is born, when your birthday party is sublime, or when you immerse yourself in a favorite song is easier to slow down time and feel the beauty of life as we know it.
Doing this slow motion is much more difficult most other times and near impossible to do when life throws lemons at us. When things don't go as expected we find it hard to see things for what they are and enjoy the process of sadness, worry, difficulty, or monotony. But, the more you can take every moment and slow it down to see things for what they are then the more bliss you feel, because life is a sequence of events that we have some but not infinite control of and we need to live the serenity prayer as we experience it. Experience the serenity of the things you can not change, show courage and change the things you can, and work toward wisdom to know the difference.
When you do this you slow down time and life is good.


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