Do One Thing

Do One Thing

I often times am caught up in resting on my laurels. I have had an excellent life, influenced many people, raised great children, and changed the world, at least to a small degree. Subsequently I sometimes find myself unmotivated to pursue any significant goals. I find myself not being very active in things I considered important, at least I considered them important a few years ago. So consequently I find negative things to say about myself because I am not moving forward very effectively. That is a dilemma we all face whether we are in the beginning of our life or in the later stages of our existence. I have felt this way and laid back my desire to succeed in every phase of my life but it usually didn't last that long.
What I have done to break the grip of complacency is start a campaign of doing one thing. In this case I am writing one blog a day. If you just do one thing toward a goal you feel is important then the desire to criticize yourself is reduced because you found success. If you just smoke one less cigarette, drink one less drink, say one more thank you, do one more minute of exercise, or give one more compliment to someone you love then you find that one more thing leads you to feel proud about that accomplishment. When you feel that then that leads to one more thing and eventually builds to a pattern of behavior that creates a sense of efficacy that you can be proud of.
Doing one thing certainly doesn't guarantee success but it is a step in the right direction. I have always felt that success breeds success and when you do one thing, usually it leads to doing much more. Maybe your one activity, idea, or behavioral change inspires someone else. There is nothing more important that changing the world one person at a time, one thought, or one action at a time.


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