You Have a Choice

Happiness is a Choice

In our careers, and mine is education, you can choose a lot of different things in the way you approach your job. You can choose the career path you follow, you can choose the type of education you want, and you can choose the way you react to environmental circumstances. There are a myriad of other choices we have each day. One of those choices is how you react to the things that happen to you as you go through your daily routine.
I became frustrated one morning because I was having problems with my computer and how it was navigating the program I installed. I didn't understand how it was working and it was not working the way that I thought it should. I became frustrated and got angry at it. It was not doing anything it wasn't supposed to be doing, however, it wasn't doing what I perceived it should be doing. I let the environment choose my happiness. You don't have to do that.
A friend of mine was complaining about how he could not trust the kids in his classroom. The fact of the matter, as I see it, is that everything that you touch can be changed by how you react to your environment. You can build trust, you can change your outlook on life, you can make others feel better with your smile. Almost every event you experience life you have a choice of how your react to it. You can choose distrust or you can choose trust. You can choose happiness or you can choose sadness.
That being said you have no choice over the external events that transpire in your life. As the world goes by people get mad at you, accidents happen, and rain falls and you have no control over these events, but you can enjoy them or not. That is the choice you have. The perceived slight, anger, or frustration is the choice you can make.


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