You Can Choose

You Can Choose Happiness

Happiness is not just something that happens across your existence, although it can be. Happiness is not just something that is earned, although it can be. Happiness is not just something that is lucked upon, although it can be. Happiness is a choice. Consistent and profound happiness is a choice that we make in each and every decision that we make each day. You can love or not love your job. That is a choice. You can enjoy or not enjoy a specific food. That is a choice. You can laugh or not laugh at a joke. That is a choice. Pretty much everything we do, in reaction, to another event that passes across our existence can be reacted to with happiness.
My friend and I are in an ever changing society of educational reforms, many of them we don't agree with, but none the less they are part of our world. We can choose to be happy amid the every changing world of a new paradigm or not. So my friend and I boost each other up on a daily basis extolling the virtues of what we are doing and how we are doing it. Each day we smile, genuinely, at each other and tell each other how great things are. "This is going to be the best meeting, EVER!"  As it turns out the meeting is productive, enjoyable, and peaceful. We will exchange greetings, "This will be the best day, EVER!" Lo and behold it is the best day ever. We have been doing that for several years now, and even though the environment around us hasn't changed that much, our attitudes have and concurrently what happens to us in this little microcosm has as well.
As it turns out the last couple of years at my work place have been a couple of the happiest I have known in a long while. I still work for change and don't do stuff I disagree with, I have learned to fake it till I make it. I have made it in large part because I have convinced myself through overt and covert messages to my brain and external sources of the universal mind that happiness is in and around me and all I have to do is believe and I can achieve. This has been a process but it is working. I am happier now than ever before. I worry less about the stuff I can't control and I work more effectively toward the things I can. A very profound truth in life is that you can choose your destiny. Mine is happiness.


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