Life is Hard

Life is Hard

There are myriad of things that can challenge you, obstruct your progress, or keep you from accomplishing your goals. That is because life is hard. No animal running through the forest, no insect flying through the sky, or any human would tell you that life was easy. We are constantly battling illness, running for our life, and are stressed as we face all the roadblocks life puts in our way. Even though this is true every human also has the capacity to make every dream come true. We are all built with the mechanisms that give us the ability to live long and prosper.
Animals run as fast as they can to keep from being eaten and that is the least we can do. Well, since we are on the top of the food chain no other creature eats us so we can rest assured that won't happen. However, we are challenged with a plethora of other worries. Will we have enough money for our bills, will I ever get over that illness, or how do I make my friend understand their mistake. How do I get through the maze of obstacles I have to face everyday? One thing you can do is make a plan and stick with it no matter how many things life throws at you. I have a plan to be happy. Simple but so many things can interrupt that flow of happy feelings that I am often letting go of that goal during the day.
Every day I get up I have to reaffirm and reconstruct my plan to be the best I can be for that day. I get up and imagine happiness. I visualize going through the day getting exactly what I want. A perfect day ensues. All humans have the capacity to change their experience for the better if they want. We often, including me, get stuck in the blame game or feeling sorry for ourselves and then everything else after that is filled with sorrow and hardship. There are many things in this life we can't control like how our boss feels that day or if someone gets angry at you for something you did but the thing we can control is how we react to those situations and you can be happy.
What I think happens is that God, the universal consciousness, or force is experiencing life as it is acted out by you. You are given the unique opportunity to see life as it unfolds through you. Yes it is hard and fill with many difficult experiences but you can choose happiness in the end. Choose it daily and you will find it easier and easier to experience.


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