Change Your Routine

Change Your Routine
Got a bad habit? I do. I have many of them. At least what I consider bad. Maybe if you had the same habit I had you wouldn't consider it bad and that is fine. I am not here to cast a judgement on what you do or how you do it. I do things that are time wasters when I feel I should be using my time a little more effectively. We only get one today in this life so I like to use up my time to do things that help myself or the world. Not that I don't like to just sit around and relax and that is good but the habit I waste a considerable amount of time on is watching TV. If you spend 2 to 3 hours a day watching TV you may consider it too much. I do. You may not so maybe you don't want to change that habit. Maybe you want to quit smoking, change your attitude, or stop biting your nails. If you have a bad habit you want to change what you have to do is change your routine.
When you engage in a habit you do certain things before you engage in it. You sit down to dinner and turn on the TV. You get nervous about something and you start biting your nails. You think about an upcoming event and you pull out a smoke. Well one of the thing that you can do to change your habit is to change your routine. If you get stressed and you go for a walk you won't bite your nails. If you reach for the TV remote and you go to lay in your bed you won't watch TV, unless there is a TV in your bedroom. If you want to have a smoke and you drink a glass of water instead it will stop you from smoking for the time being. Whenever you change your routine you change your behavior. If you take a little longer shopping after work that is a little less time you may watch TV. If you sit and meditate for 5 minutes each day that is a little less time you spend biting your nails or smoking. If you change your immediate routine then the behavior changes. You can't continue to engage in the same habits and expect them to go away.
That one event is not going to change your behavior for the long term because it took a long time for that behavior to become a bad habit but if you do one little thing each day and increase the duration of that change each day then slowly but surely the behavior, that you consider a bad habit, will change as well.


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