Give Thanks

Give Thanks

Many of us say a prayer before our meal in thanks. Most of us give thanks at Thanksgiving. (Of course) All of us (I hope) are thankful to be alive. We give thanks for many different things and situations as they transpire in our sphere of reality. When someone is rescued from certain peril we breath a sigh of relief and give thanks. If your child gets an unexpected praise we give thanks. Life is full of opportunities to say, "Thank You," for all we have.
One of the truths in life is that the more you give thanks the happier you are. How is this you might ask? The fact of the matter is that the more you give thanks for what you have the less you dwell on the things you lack. We (as humans and I am a human so I have the same condition as everyone else) tend to focus on what we don't have. I need a bigger house. I want a more loving relationship. I want to have 6 pack abs. I wish I was as spiritual as Jesus in my daily life. Humans often look at the lack in their lives and this focus on the lack brings more. Whatever we focus on brings a greater amount of that on which we focus. We think about how fat we are, we focus on our lack of money, or we think constantly about how lonely we are. These things that are negative we are not thankful for.
So the solution to our challenge is to be thankful for all we have right now. Be thankful that you woke up and give a big loud, "THANK YOU," to the world. Be thankful that you can rise out of your bed to brush your teeth, so think, "Thank You," that you have teeth to brush. Be thankful that you can see yourself in the mirror, be thankful that you can go pee, be thankful that you can see, and on and on and on. You see the trend here and I haven't gotten through the first three minutes of the day.
When you think, "THANK YOU," for all the beauty, challenge, love, amusement, hard work, frustration, and normalcy in your day you will soon see a dramatic change in how you view each and every situation that transpires in your universe and happiness increases exponentially. Try it for one day. Only one day. Focus on that goal. Go through your day and whenever you have a blank time in your thought process say, "Thank You." By the end of the day, when you reflect upon the positive or negative aspect of all the events that happened to you, you will find that you smiled more, laughed more, and were happier. Just one day. One day of happiness is worth everything.


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