
Taking a little time each day to meditate, think about yourself, say a positive saying, and in general let your mind relax is an important thing to do to get yourself back on track if you have taken a turn that has led you down the wrong road. We all get off track when steering toward our goals. We get side tracked by our friends, family, and even ourselves. This happens naturally in life because there are so many things going on. Some of those things we agree with and some we don’t but when we set goals for our lives we can get side tracked by life with its myriad of complications. An accident, an injury, loss of patience, inability to focus intently enough, and a host of different events can stop us from completing our tasks that move us forward toward our goals.
To get back into the groove all you have to do is let go. It appears to be a lot harder than it looks but letting go just takes practice like anything else. When the world stomps on you and you are late for work take a minute to close your eyes and let the frustration of being late go. Close your eyes, focus on your breathing for a minute, and before you open your eyes say, "In every day and in every way I am getting better and better." This mantra alone will carry your spirit to freedom and create an immense amount of happiness for you.
Practice this procedure every time you are worried about money, every time you get angry with your spouse, and every time you feel anxious about the future or past. This one minute fix will do wonders for your life and your enjoyment of the events that occur to you that you have no control over. Meditate. Meditating takes a bit of focus to let all those thoughts go. You can never stop the thoughts completely but you can let them wash over you as soon as they come. I use meditative music that is recorded on an MP3 player. You can download them or listen to them on YouTube. These sounds stop the mind from consuming your meditation time. The sound gives you something to focus on. It helps with the relaxing. When you take time to relax and meditate, even if it is for only a minute or so, you will find yourself enjoying the moments more fully. You can take the rush hour traffic a little easier and the reduced bank account a little more patiently.

Meditation is a practice that gets better with time and it doesn’t take a lot of time to do it. You can meditate for 30 seconds or 30 minutes and each time you do it your spirit will thank you.


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