
Loss is an inevitable part of life. We lose games, we lose our keys, we lose our mind, and we lose a variety of other things as we participate in this thing we call life. Eventually we will lose our lives as well. Loss is not something to be afraid of or angry about it is the event that naturally comes with everything we do. Obviously we want to win but because our universe is balanced we can't win all the time. Loss comes with winning. It is the yin to the yang. Every win you experience there is a commensurate loss. There is no getting around that fact. The caveat is that the losses you experience don't always equal the wins you experience in intensity and duration and the losses don't always come in the same form as the wins but for most of us they even out.
What you need to know is that you can minimize the sensations that surround your losses because you create your own world. An anecdotal example is that I would lose consistently when it comes to my car. When I was younger I got in accidents and accrued tickets on a regular basis. As I was growing into maturity I realized that I could control how I drove and thus minimize my accidental experience. Since then I have no accident and no tickets in about 30 years. Part of it is because I am a cautious driver but most of it is because I think positively about my life, situation, and experience and so loss in the area of automobiles has been reduced to almost nothing.
The question is, "How do we deal with loss?" Dealing with loss is not really complicated but it can be difficult to enact the principles that move you through the loss experience. The quicker you can move through the loss the quicker you can get on with your life and enjoy the precious moments you have on this earth. What I do is to refocus my anger, frustration, or sadness on the fact that I am alive today and am able to enjoy the sun, wind, rain, smiles, silence, and dog barking. This is one more day for me to be alive and do the best I can. My shoulder hurts, my muscles ache, I forgot a payment, I didn't sleep well last night, and all my goals aren't accomplished but I get another day to do something about everything I have lost or will lose. When I refocus on the positive and work on the challenges I move thought my loss more effectively.


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