

We have all kinds of weather in our world. Rain, hard rain, torrential rain, and bucket pours. We have dry, parching dry, blistering dry, and 7 years dry. We have snow, blustery snow, snow storms, and stay indoors for days snow. No matter what kind of weather you have where you are, and it varies radically, you have to adapt to the conditions. All animals adapt humans can to. We can adapt to any situation, any problem, any challenge, and any adversity.
As humans in a dynamic world we have to figure out a way to live peacefully in it no matter what the problem.When a hailstorm comes and dings up our car we figure out a way to go on with our driving and our lives. We may not be happy for awhile but we will have a story to tell to everyone about our experiences. We are amazing creatures in a blessed world. We are surrounded by so many different types of weather that give us an opportunity to grow and be better..
