Simple Steps

Simple Steps

Most people are stuck and so I am I but I am starting to realize the reality of what it takes to achieve what I want. Most people go through their lives content with the mediocrity of what they are doing and don't do anything to break out of that habitual behavior. Most people continue making the same mistakes because they are comfortable with their lives. (even if what they are doing doesn't bring them happiness) Most people go through their daily routine and make excuses for the sadness they feel, the anger they express, or the despair they fall into. It doesn't have to be that way.
Obviously if you want to be sad, feel a sense of lack and limitation, be angry with yourself and the world, or fall into depressive moods and hide yourself from reality, you can do that. If you don't want those negatives to control your life there are some simple steps you can take to minimize and eventually eliminate those negative situations and experiences.
Some of the simple steps of what I do to live in happiness are not only simple but powerfully effective. If you use these simple tools you can move your life toward a contentment you never experienced before. What I am about to share with you is not an exhaustive list of positive proactive ideas that will initiate change in you life but it will get you started in the right direction.
1. Cancel the negative thought - This may seem to be pretty hard because we don't control our thoughts, because they just pop out and are there. What is not hard is to cancel the negative thought and replace it with something positive. An example might be: If you are going along in your day and think, "I will never get that promotion," then just say "Cancel, cancel, cancel," and say to yourself, "I am confident, competent, and creative and deserve to get that promotion." It goes without saying that you won't necessarily get that promotion the first time you repeat this simple mantra, but the degree to which you feel and believe that you are competent, creative, and confident is the degree to which the change is going to take place. The more you do this and the more you believe it the quicker it will occur. You will learn much more later as you read through my blog.
2. Smile at yourself, others, and your experiences. Smile frequently, and Smile often with expression. As you Smile at yourself in the mirror, think about what a wonderful day you are going to have. As you think about that promotion you want Smile and think about you accepting that desired position. As someone says something negative to you Smile and think about the source of where the negative is coming from. As you get down on yourself and start blaming others or yourself for the woes you are experiencing in life Smile and know that you are making progress to eliminate the obstacles you face. Smiling is a powerful belief enhancer. It is easy to do and has a power effect upon your current reality. Keep tuned to more ideas or visit my website at


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