What is perfection. Certainly what is perfect for me would not be perfect for you or would it? Perfection is a judgment, feeling, opinion, or idea. We want things to be perfect that can't possibly be that way unless we change our perspective and say that it is. So perfection is our ability to take something that is not perfect and say that it is. Many times in my life things have happened to me that were wonderful, but I recollected the event as not perfect, because there were always aspects of the event that didn't go as I had planned. Well, that is the way most everyone views their lives and events that happen to them. Perfection is a judgment that will never be or can always be. It is a state of mind that flows continually as we experience our day. My bike ride where I had to brake suddenly because a car almost got in my way, when I barely averted an accident because of a big rock in the street, and when my wheel slipped into a groove and I almost tipped over going 18 MP...