
Showing posts from December, 2020


Forgiveness We see lots of stories about forgiveness and how people who are damaged severely can forgive the abuser. These are stories of hope and life. Forgiveness only begins when you can come to terms with the fact that we are all human and we all make poor choices in our lives. People that make very poor choices can damage themselves and others to a significant degree and forgiveness of their behavior is often difficult to achieve when considering your own fragile human psyche, but it can be done. Often times forgiveness is a life long goal. I have been struggling with forgiveness for my father. I have not seen him in 20 years and he has been dead for 5 so I need to work on forgiving him in abstentia. I have been living all of my life through his eyes even when he wasn't in it. I think we all do that. So that means forgiving myself for acting and behaving as if he was controlling me and making me behave in certain ways that I am not proud of. Of course he is not controlling